Friday, May 23, 2014

May Devotions

It is a custom in Poland that in the month of May, people gather around the chapels in honor of Our Lady. For about half an hour, sometimes 45 minutes praying to the Virgin Mary and sing songs dedicated to Mary the Mother of God. 
These prayer meetings are held at many shrines between the hours of 6 pm and 8 pm. Yesterday I managed to observe three such places. But there are many more in the city. Well, these prayers are also held in the villages.
These prayer meetings, one not directed from above. These are spontaneous meetings. There is no designated person who leads the prayers. Just do it someone who feels the desire to conduction prayer.
Therefore, this time quietly spied on praying in different places.

First chapel - Barska Street

Second chapel - Nasciszowska Street
This chapel, at which I along with my family most often we pray.

Third chapel - Lwowska Street
Some also meet the busy streets, the malls.


  1. This is a very common tradition in Greece and we honor all the saints of Christian church. In August 15th is the biggest celebration dedicated to Virgin Mary.

    1. In Poland, August 15th is also the great feast of the Virgin Mary. There is even a day off from work. In this day all are free. Our Lady of Poland is even the title of Queen of Polish.
      Information and photos of May Devotions posted on the blog of curiosity. I want to know how people from different parts of the world will react to something.
      Well, first reacted lovely Christina Andromeda. And I wrote that the Greeks and Poles have a something in common. Although we probably all different (language, letters, culture, climate, mentality, kitchen, tradition, history ...) it connects us to the heart.
      Well both have Eleni. :)

    2. As far as i know from friends, Poland offered great hospitality to Greek refuges. I tell you what we have in common. Pain. We ve suffered a lot from war and from poverty and this creates a bound. I believe that all people who have suffered a lot have a unique connection. It is very comforting to hear people saying good things about Greek people, especially these days when Europe has turn us its back. It's a very hard period for Greece with a grate economic and political crisis. Political parties have turn people one against each other. We have a small hope that people on Sunday will vote wisely.

  2. Здравствуйте! Спасибо за ваше внимание к моему блогу. Мне интересно узнавать новое о вашей стране и я знаю, что многие из вас учили русский язык в школе.

    1. Добро пожаловать! Я изучал русский язык и даже, казалось экзамен на аттестат зрелости по русскому языку. Но это было давно. После окончания texhukym я уже некоторое время, что я читал немного по-русски. Я до сих пор где-то в доме, среди прочего Чехова в оригинале. Но потом я забыл. Прочти меня легче, у меня есть проблемы с письменной форме, потому что я не помню, и у меня есть другую клавиатуры (так техническая написано так странно). Но небольшая помощь переводчика.
      Я приветствую и добро пожаловать, писать по-русски.

  3. Bardzo fajnie uchwycone. Gratulacje za podjecie wyzwania pisania po angielsku. Jest to dobre dla miedzynarodowych czytelnikow, ale rowniez dla autora, bo pomaga cwiczyc jezyk. Dziekuje za odwiedziny na Polonica: Home Again.
    Bede do Ciebie zagladac. Pozdrawiam.

    1. Bardzo się cieszę z Twoich odwiedzin u mnie i słów zachęty. Akurat przed momentem odpowiedziałem koleżance z Rosji, że maturę zdawałem z rosyjskiego. Łatwiej byłoby mi pisać po rosyjsku, ale zauważyłem, że angielski to wymóg konieczny. Więc na stare lata walczę z angielskim. Czytany tekst rozumiem, z pisaniem jest gorzej, bo stosuję składnię polską. Ale z pomocą narzędzi różnego rodzaju jakoś brnę do przodu po troszkę. Zaglądaj, proszę, czasem. I dodawaj mi otuchy :)

  4. Quite an eclectic mix of devotion spots.

  5. The little chapels are so beautiful and charming! A wonderful custom.

    1. Once I show them without people and good sun. Now I wanted to show a little Polish heart. I appreciate the tradition.
      Lois, I'm sure your ancestors also participated in the May Devotions. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Widać, że wiara Polaków może nie do końca świadoma ale silna :)

    1. Witam :)
      A jakbyś troszkę mógł rozwinąć tę "nie do końca świadomość"?

  8. No dia 12 de outubro é feriado no Brasil, pois comemora-se o Dia de Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Nowy Sacz é uma linda cidade.



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