Thursday, December 31, 2015

In a moment the New Year

The last of a series of photos taken with the truck Coca-Cola.
In the pictures shows the truck. Visible is also a Christmas tree - thuya.. There is also an ice rink. Tonight, on the square in front of the town hall will be welcoming the New Year. One of the attractions will be fun on the ice.
I do not think he got there, because I do not like crowds and events.

To all who visit my blog I hope that all the days of the New Year 2016 were days happy. I wish everyone good health and a lot of free time so they can spend it on blogging.

Town Square.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas decor main square

During the visit the truck Coca-Cola case I also festive decor's main square.
I have noticed that more and more Christmas tree does not look like a conifer trees but like thuja.
The tree visible on the right side of it is the Christmas tree, which can be seen in its entirety on the second picture.

Town Square

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Before Christmas

Among the things I do not understand the madness of Coca Cola. 
Appeared suddenly a truck Coca-Cola. He pulled on the main square of the city crowd. I wonder if other parts of the world too, so people react to Coke?

 Main Square

Thursday, December 3, 2015

1st High School in NS name Jan Długosz

In the picture the oldest school in the NS. The school was opened in 1818.
The photo was taken from the side of the Planty Park.

Jan Dlugosz Street.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

House next Lower Secondary School

For Konarski Street, next to the school, there is an interesting building. Whenever I see such buildings regret that today such is not edified. Contemporary architecture, but also interesting, there is no such charm like this building.
The photos were taken in the summer of this year.

 Konarski street.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lower Secondary School name Adam Mickiewicz

One of the most beautiful buildings in the NS. It is now the middle school. The patron of this school is the most prominent Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.
The photos were taken on 2 July 2015. (I had the break in blogging, but the camera was taking sometimes).

On the left Konarskiego street, on the right Długosza street.


Konarskiego street.

Looking through the archives I found another, completely different view of this building.
 This photo is taken from the street Matejko.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pumptrack - the largest in Poland

A few weeks ago, was opened in Nowy Sacz pumptrack. It is the largest pumptrack in Poland. It is also one of the most pumptracków in Europe. Some say that it is the largest pumptrack in Europe.
Below the first pictures. For sure there will be more.

 Piłsudskiego Avenue.


Tomku, dziękuję za zaproszenie do zabawy

Co to takiego, ten "LIEBSTER BLOG AWARDS" ?

W sumie można to nazwać zabawą lub wzajemnym poznawaniem się "braci blogerskiej" i promowaniem blogów. Polega na tym, że osoba nominowana odpowiada na 11 pytań ułożonych przez osobę nominującą, a następnie nominuje od 5 do 11 następnych blogerów i układa dla nich serię 11 pytań.
Jedyny warunek jest taki, że nie wolno nominować bloga, od którego otrzymaliśmy nominację.

Pytania, jakie zadał mi Tomek:
1.  Na ile ważny w Twoim życiu jest blog?
          Traktuje go jako zabawę.
2.  Dlaczego blogowanie, a nie siedzenie przed TV, lub na FB?
          Nie mam telewizora. FB służy mi zasadniczo tylko do komunikowania się z.
3.  Jesteś na emeryturze i co dalej?
           A dożyję?
4.  Kasa nie jest dla Ciebie problemem, co robisz?
          Nie myślę o niej.
5.  Czy rodzina denerwuje się, że znów blogujesz?
          Nawet nie.
6.  Relaks w moim przypadku, to ...?
          Ruch i świeże powietrze, najchętniej gdzieś poza.
7.  Humor tak, ale ...
          Nie ma "ale". No może z wyjątkiem pogrzebu... chociaż...
8.  Jak myślisz, dokąd pędzi światy?
9.  Czy blogując masz jakiś cel?
          Pokazuję moje miasto, które uważam, że jest urocze (oszukuję, nie zawsze świeci słońce).
          Zdarzają się sytuacje, które nadają sens temu blogowi. Niedawno np. otrzymałem miły mail z Florydy. Rodzina tej osoby pochodzi z Nowego Sącza. Część rodziny wyjechała przed wojną, reszta zginęła w Nowym Sączu w czasie wojny. Pomagam odszukać pewne miejsca, informacje, przesyłam zdjęcia. 
10. Czy spotkałeś/spotkałaś w realu innego blogera?
11. Czy trzeba w coś/kogoś wierzyć w życiu?

Blogi, które moim zdaniem warte są zainteresowania, a którym chciałbym zaproponować udział w zabawie (kolejność przypadkowa):
1. Chwile..
2. Kobieta z walizką
3. Aparatka bez akredytacji
4. Okiem liska
5. Puszcza sandomierska
6. Okiem moim
7. Fotokadry - blog fotograficzny
8. Maleńka fotografia
9. Marzena fotografuje
10. Na chwilę zatrzymać czas...

Moje pytania:
1. Co zainspirowało Cie do prowadzenia bloga?
2. Blogowanie dla Ciebie ma jakiś cel?
3. Prowadząc bloga coś zyskałaś/zyskałeś?
4. Czy w jakiś sposób promujesz swojego bloga?
5. Jakie blogi preferujesz?
6. Jak dużo czasu spędzasz wędrując po innych blogach?
7. Ile czasu poświęcasz swojemu blogowi?
8. Blog to...
9. Blogowanie jest jak...
10. Fotografia to...
11. Gdy znudzi Ci się blogowanie...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Autumn in the asphalt installment

This time the autumn with a view of the mountains surrounding the city.

Piłsudskiego Avenue

Friday, November 20, 2015

When autumn loses his robe

And while autumn is gone completely.
I Brygady street (The first brigade street)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Roofs over the colors of autumn

Yet another view of the autumn of this year.
Krańcowa street, view from the bridge

Monday, November 16, 2015

Autumn panoram

This view was already on a blog. But the tone of rust for the first time.
The color green is quite blank. But orange has become almost brown.
Krańsowa street, view from the bridge.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Autumn carpet

Kraszewskiego street (left Kamienica river)

Monday, November 2, 2015

All Saints' Day 2015

Grunwald Monument in honor of the victims of the First World War.

On one of the graves broke sunlight.
Municipal Cemetery

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Autumn 2015 in NS

This is what is called the "Golden Polish Autumn".
Barska street

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nowy Sacz in gray

In April and May the weather was bad. So I spotted a gray view.
This little house is not a monument. It is simply a small house living.
 Na Rurach street (On Pipes street)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Piłsudskiego Avenue

The pictures show a fragment Avenue Pilsudski. This street on the blog appears frequently. Many murals that appear in the NS are formed on the walls of garages that are left.
In the distance you can see the mountains surrounding the town.

Piłsudskiego Avenue (Aleje Piłsudskiego)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Szwedzka street

The photo shows a fragment of Szwedzka street (Swedish street).
In the seventeenth century, Swedes invaded Poland. Nowy Sacz was the first Polish town that was liberated from the Swedes.
The street name comes from the Swedish the chapel, which is nearby.
Ulica Szwedzka (Swedish street)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Housing estate Gorzków

Residential complex, which show here is extensive. Here only a fragment. These buildings were built at the end of the last century.
These photos made during the Easter holidays, so it seems quiet neighborhood. In real life, however, is more mobile.

Freislera street

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Intersection next to the shopping center Europe.

Near the busy part of the city center.

The crossing of the runs Nawojowska street. Next is the Długosza (Dlugosz street). On the right is Rejtana street. On the left is Grodzka street.

On the right side there is a shopping mall 'Europa II'.

Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej (Bank of Food Economy)

Nawojowska street

Friday, April 10, 2015

The fifth anniversary of the Smolensk disaster

5 years ago as a result of the coup killed Polish President prof. Lech Kaczynski. With him died many great Poles, including Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last Polish president in exile.
The Presidents and the other flight attendants went to Katyn to commemorate the fallen Polish officers murdered by the NKVD, the spring of 1940. The Russians then murdered at least 21,768 Poles.

I sought out one of the photos that I did five years ago.
Photos of President Lech Kaczynski and the President Ryszard Kaczorowski put the the Town Hall after the attack.
My first blog post.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Old Sandecja

In the middle of the city is a huge square. Many years ago this place was a sports stadium. Today the stadium is moved to another location. The city authorities have no idea how to use the square. Sometimes the square spreads his tent circus. Sometimes, the square hosts concerts. Yet all of this is very rare.

Aleje Wolności (Liberty Avenues)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dyngus Day

Easter Monday this year was exceptionally uninteresting. The water in the form of a condensed fell profusely. Traditional wrap is not there.

In the photo forsythia sprinkled with snow. In the distance, the Municipal Cultural Centre, which showed recently.

 Wolnosci Avenues (Liberty Avenues).


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